Month in Recap

Lots has been happening in the past few weeks. Emily and I spent a day on Bowen Island. We also found time to check out a play, watch an anti-Olympics movie, go to the ballet, and rock out at the Pipettes concert. We also spent a weekend building Emily a custom bed in her new place. I need Emily’s permission to post most of the pictures, but I’ve put some of the ones of me and nature up on Flickr.

Bowen Island was awesome. It’s a little island about a 10 minute ferry ride from Horseshoe Bay (which took as an hour to get to on transit). We hiked around for a bit, saw tons of snakes and a deer, and then spent a few hour kayaking around the island. We saw a bald eagle swoop down and pick up a fish not that far from our kayak, which was pretty cool.

The play, The One that Got Away, was this crazy unconventional musical and most of it took place in a dimly lit swimming pool. We had front row seats for most of it – which meant we sat on flutter boards on the edge of the pool and got splashed every time something exciting happened.

The ballet was modern performance called La La La Human Steps. It was really good but I’m ashamed to admit I got myself nodding off for most of it. I blame it on the dark lighting and the classical music, which always puts me to sleep, because I really enjoyed the dancing.

The Pipettes concert was weird. I enjoyed the music, but I’ve never seen a crowd pretend to enjoy themselves. Between songs they would cheer loudly, but during the songs everyone stood still even though the Pipettes were trying to to get people to dance. I’ve heard the complaint about Vancouver before that all the hipsters rock out standing still with their hands in their pockets, but it was weird to witness. You know there’s a problem if I’m dancing more than anyone else around me.

Finished ProductWhat else…oh the bed. My father is now the proud parent of one cordless drill wielding, wood cutting, bed building son. Emily’s room in her new place had an awkward ledge that’s part of the foundation. So we designed a bed to fit on top of it. We bought all the wood from Home Depot (who will cut your wood to the right lengths – super handy for us!) and assembled it with my new, fancy cordless drill. I’m pretty happy with the way it turned out.
Added new pictures:
Emily at Work  Man at work  Something Sexy about Girls with Power Tools  Going Under


    • Thanks! I have more pictures of the construction phase I’ll post soon. Just waiting for permission. I’ve gotten in trouble for posting unauthorized pictures before. šŸ˜‰


  1. I guess that’s why The Rapture wrote Whoo Alright Yeah Uh huh:
    “People don’t dance no more (uh huh)
    They just stand there like this (yeah!)
    They cross their arms and stare you down and drink and moan and diss”


    • I love the Rapture. When I saw them last time they asked the crowd to kiss the person next to them. Only some couples, a bunch of girls, and the band did it, and the rest kinda looked around awkwardly, but I still thought it was great.


  2. Great Carpentry
    Nice job on the bed. Your dad is so proud, his son has a cordless drill. Not sure if its the photography, but it looks like the bed could use a ladder!


    • Re: Great Carpentry
      I added some new pictures. Maybe they give a bit more perspective. The bed is high, but we designed it so all the space underneath can be used for storage.


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