Jeremy Fisher @ the Bomber

I’m going to take a page out of loserpants‘s journal, and write about the concert I saw last night.

White WashedJeremy Fisher's Trippy MusicBen, Lorrissa, Erin and I went to see Jeremy Fisher at the Bomber last night. We also ran into Laura, Fish, Jeff Henry, and Steve. It was awesome (and free). I’ve had “High School” on my computer since last summer, and I love the tune, so I was looking forward to hearing him live. He sounds like a young Bob Dylan. A real mix of rock and folk, some politcal songs, some songs about sex and being young. It was great. The Bomber was packed and the crowd was really enthusiastic. He had a good time interacting with the crowd, telling stories, getting people to sing along, and changing the lyrics of his songs. All I have to say is “90% protein”.

The past week has been devoted pretty much exclusively to homework. Ben (aramisben) and I are still hitting the gym three times a week for what we’ve termed “mountain climbing”. We haven’t missed a single session once, so hopefully we can keep it up as the homework starts to pile up.

Students StudyingDana Porter LibraryThe only other noteworthy event this week was going to give blood with Erin (erin_noelle) on Thursday. It was her first time, so I agreed to come along for support and donate again. We tried to donate at the blood donor clinic on campus, but they were booked solid, so we ended up going down to their permanent office. It was a painless experience once again. It only took 5 minutes this time to get enough blood out of me. The only drama was near the beginning when the tape holding the tubes to my arm came off and slipped, almost pulling the needle out of my arm. That would have been messy.

The job search is still ongoing. I’m still considering Morgan Stanley in New York (I have an offer from them), Microsoft in Seattle (interviewing March 3), Business Objects (interviewing first week in February), and Zymeworks in Vancouver (but they hate me).


    • I’ve exchanged a few emails with Zymeworks. They’re understandbly bitter/confused about the two co-op rejections and were suprised I was so gung-ho about wanting to work ther full time. I seemed to have convinced them I’m interested, but I think they want my first born child as proof.
      I have to say, that originally they were my first choice of places to work. But after the first disappointing email back, my enthusiasm has started to wane.
      Right now, both Business Objects and Microsoft are looking promising. I just have to nail a few interviews first.


  1. I saw Jeremy Fisher by accident when he was opening for Sara Slean last year….I was rather pleasantly surprised, and ended up buying one of his cd’s at the end of the night….how big of a venue is “the bomber”?


    • Erin bought one of his CDs too, and had it signed “To Erin, with love Jeremy Fisher”. I pitched in half the cost for the right to rip it to my computer.
      The Bomber is pretty small. From what I can find, the official capacity is 373. But only about half the area was set aside for watching Jeremy Fisher. So maybe 200 people. Nice and intimate.


  2. Zymeworks interview
    I have a phone interview with Zymeworks. Could you provide me with some information on what they ask?


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